Product Questions
First decide if you are looking for a rotary tumbler or a vibratory tumbler. Rotary tumblers are easier to use. This is because you can fill them with rock, water, and abrasive and let it roll for seven days without much hassle. With a vibratory tumbler...
Both will work for you since the center post would screw down and hold the disc in place on top of the master lap/backing plate. If you have any other questions, please email sales@kingsleynorth.com
It takes about 1/2 gallon of coolant to fill to about 1/4" up on the blade.
They range from 19 1/2 - 19 3/4. none are a true 20" exactly. Blades may be nominally sized for identification purposes.
You can use one of the dressing sticks, I would recommend the 1-0508 for diamond discs.
The motor can get a bit warm which occasionally will also make the base warm to the touch depending on the model. It's always best practice to make sure it's in area which receives good air flow and there shouldn't be anything else on or near the tumbler...
That will depend on the trim saw that you own. Generally there's 2-4 screws (possibly more) either on the top of the table or the side that will need to be either loosened or removed before you can remove the trim table. If you email sales@kingsleynorth...
I would recommend either the 0-0002 or 0-0050 abrasive kits for that sized tumbler.
That all depends on what type of material you're working with, but a good polish that works well on most stones is Cerium Oxide. If you find you have a few stones that you're having a hard time getting a polish on with cerium let us know and we can try...
Many people like to use a mixture of both the large non-abrasive and small non-abrasive ceramic media. The large does tend to breakdown over time into a size similar to the small so you may only need to order the small once, and then cycle out the old...
Is the drum running at 1725rpm? They are directional, so make sure you don't have it backward. Is it all belts or just one? Email info@kingsleynorth.com
1.5mm or larger. Search fo: 30994_CFG
Around 5 tablespoons
Try some 500 grit Aluminum oxide on your 3rd step. search for 0-0351. This might help.
If you dont have enough rock, is it ok to augment to 2/3 - 3/4 with ceramic media even if you have to use a lot of it , or should you wait until you have a full batch of rock ?
Yes, using ceramic as filler would work if you are short on rocks.
Could you take a few photos and email them to info@kingsleynorth.com?
On our website search for: RESIN BELT. It will be the first 3 results
The Lortone 3a or Lortone 33b is what we recommend.
depends on the brand. The product page will display the quantity discount.
1/3 hp or 1/2 hp
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Yes, we ship to Canada. We can ship with USPS Priority international, FedEx Home Delivery, and UPS Standard to Canada. Transit times can vary due to customs clearance.
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Yes, we can ship to france. If you'd like a quote please email the items and your shipping address to sales@kingsleynorth.com
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Yes - we have a catalog request form on our website, if you click on "Request a catalog" on the top of the web page it will bring you to the form. Otherwise you can email your information to sales@kingsleynorth.com and we can get you on the list.
You can either use the checkout provided or email sales@kingsleynorth if you'd rather use PayPal.
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Yes, depending on the carrier and service level there will be different time frames. Call with more detailed questions 9065639228
Here: https://kingsleynorth.com/catalog-request
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This means we send the product directly from the manufacturer. It is subject to their lead time.
A little history about apache tears
How to Use Apache Tears Energy Apache tears are said to have originated when the tears of grieving Apache women fell and froze after a battle with great loss of life. It is said that anyone who carries Apache tears...
(this comes from the Raytech Shaw manual) (these ideas are not limited to faceting)
Lap Contamination
The appearance of unwelcome scratches on a facet while it is being polished is a problem which from time to...
This comes from the Covington Catalog
Many stones polish equally well with several buff and polishing compound combinations. A very hard gem can be polished by a much softer polish powder. Only one polishing agent should be used on a...
STEP 1: (80 GRIT) Fill the tumbler barrel 2/3 to 3/4 full with properly graded and sized stones.
C = Good
You may apply an online gift card code in the "Review & Payments" section of the checkout. If you have any further issues please call 1 800 338 9280 and we can try to help you with the checkout process.
When looking at the chart its best to match the letters across the rows for the best combination. For example on agate it shows an A for felt and an A for cerium which means a Felt buff/pad would work best with cerium for agates. The second best option...
The jade might be challenging if you are just starting out.
Just to thicken the slurry. You could use a different method to thicken the slurry if wanted/needed.
I'm not sure which tumbler you're referring to but the thumbler's tumblers have notches for the drive and idler shafts.
see the instructions here:
You can use bar soap. You only need a few strips of it.
You could try: 500 grit aluminum oxide and micro alumina polish
They are used as a filler for rotary rock tumblers. Also as a cushioning agent with rock tumblers as well.
The Iolox is your prepolish. We dont have the grit or micron size on this product. Your Raybrite TL is the final polish.
Borax of flakes of ivory soap